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Béatrice Desmarais

Béatrice Desmarais. She has a website, one of the most visited on gardening. This site comes from French Québec and gives all sores of references on gardening.

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Calamagrostis Karl Foerster (Feather Reed Grass - Roseau)

Ref. 41597

Taxodium distichum (Bald Cypress conifer) (2)

Ref. 41201

Heuchera Dolce Peach Melba (Coral Bells) (5)

Ref. 39121

Echinacea Fatal Attraction (Coneflower) (8)

Ref. 37727

Echinacea Fatal Attraction (Coneflower) (7)

Ref. 37726

Echinacea Fatal Attraction (Coneflower) (8)

Ref. 37725

Digitalis Camelot Lavender (Foxglove) (5)

Ref. 37699

Tibouchina lepidota (Alstonville glory bushes) (6)

Ref. 36499

Tibouchina lepidota (Alstonville glory bushes) (5)

Ref. 36497

Excoecaria Jungle Fire (Chinese croton) (3)

Ref. 35862

Excoecaria Jungle Fire (Chinese croton) (3)

Ref. 35861

Gaillardia Arizona Red Shades (Blanket flower) (7)

Ref. 33196

Acer platanoides Royal Red (Norway Maple) (4)

Ref. 32351

Brassica Redbor (kale vegetable – chou frisé) (20)

Ref. 31685

Brassica Redbor (kale vegetable – chou frisé) (20)

Ref. 31684

Brassica Redbor (kale vegetable – chou frisé) (20)

Ref. 31678

Oryza Black Madras (Ornamental Rice) (9)

Ref. 31531

Liatris pycnostachya (Pink-scale blazing star) (2)

Ref. 30641

Eupatorium Gateway (Joe Pye weed) (8)

Ref. 29402

Eupatorium Gateway (Joe Pye weed) (8)

Ref. 29401

Eupatorium Gateway (Joe Pye weed) (8)

Ref. 29400

Eupatorium Gateway (Joe Pye weed) (8)

Ref. 29399

Berberis Royal Cloak (Japanese Barberry) (24)

Ref. 28426

Acer Bloodgood (Japanese Maple) (14)

Ref. 27888

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