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Christian Autotte

Christian Autotte has a diploma from New-York Institute of Photography and freelance photographer for the last 25 years, and he is a counseler with Lozeau since 2001. More than being a photographer, he worked in documentary movies as cameraman specialised in macro photography, his favorite domain. His photos were published in magazines like Sentiers Chasse et Pêche, Nature Canada, Ontario Out Of Doors and Photo Life.

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Nymphaea odorata (Fragrant Water Lily and Beaver Root) (4)

Ref. 38327

Chamaenerion angustifolium aka Epilobium angustifolium (Fireweed) (7)

Ref. 38090

Mitchella repens (partridge berry) (1)

Ref. 24378

Anaphalis margaritacea (pearly everlasting) (1)

Ref. 16562

Iris versicolor (Blueflag iris) (1)

Ref. 16561

Erythronium americanum (yellow adder's tongue, yellow trout lily) (5)

Ref. 17768

Adiantum pedatum (Maidenhair fern) (1)

Ref. 10527

Nymphaea odorata (Fragrant Water Lily and Beaver Root) (4)

Ref. 10996

Nymphaea odorata (Fragrant Water Lily and Beaver Root) (3)

Ref. 10995

Nymphaea odorata (Fragrant Water Lily and Beaver Root) (3)

Ref. 10994

Rosa blanda (Smooth Rose, Meadow Rose)

Ref. 08722

Gaultheria procumbens (Wintergreen) (2)

Ref. 07785

Sisyrinchium angustifolium (Blue-eyed grass) (1)

Ref. 06938

Myosotis (Forget-Me-Not)

Ref. 04177

Chamaedaphne calyculata (Leatherleaf) (1)

Ref. 04721

Scutellaria epilobiifolia (Skullcap)

Ref. 05953

Oxalis stricta (woodsorrel)

Ref. 06573

Hypericum perforatum (St. Johnswort) (1)

Ref. 03870

Erigeron philadelphicus (Fleabane) (1)

Ref. 03802

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