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Claire Bélisle

Claire Bélisle Journalist specialised in ornamental landscaping and gardener landscaper.

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Gerbera - Mix (Gerbera)

Ref. 35288

Berberis Royal Cloak (Japanese Barberry)

Ref. 30314

Salvia Saluti Salmon Pink (Sage) (1)

Ref. 21964

Lamium Purple Dragon (Creeping Lamium Spotted Dead Nettle) (1.5)

Ref. 03003

Lamium Orchid Frost (Creeping Lamium Spotted Dead Nettle) (1)

Ref. 03465

Gazania Big Kiss Yellow Flame (Treasure Flower) (2)

Ref. 10281

Osteospermum Zion Copper Amethyst (Daisy)

Ref. 03660

Viola Penny Orchid (Pansy)

Ref. 03464

Rudbeckia Tiger Eyes (Black-eyed Susan) (0.5)

Ref. 05405

Nierembergia Summer Splash Compact Blue (Cup Flower)

Ref. 06765

Petunia Madness Red Morn (Petunia) (1)

Ref. 07455

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