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Hort Pics

Garden Photographer

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Photinia Pink Marble (Christmas berry) (2)

Ref. 47802

Canna Purple Haze (Canna Lily)

Ref. 47319

Juniperus Medora (Juniper conifer) (2)

Ref. 47274

Bouteloua gracilis (Blue Grama Grass)

Ref. 47142

Deschampsia Goldgehaenge (Tufted Hair-grass or Tussock grass) (1)

Ref. 46318

Sedum sediforme (Stonecrop)

Ref. 46294

Artemisia Fancifillers Sea Salt (Wormwood) (2)

Ref. 45496

Artemisia Fancifillers Sea Salt (Wormwood) (2)

Ref. 45495

Cephalotaxus Plania Yewtopia (Japanese Plum Yew conifer)

Ref. 45234

Salix Hakuro Nishiki (Willow)

Ref. 44876

Asparagus Myers (Foxtail Fern) (1)

Ref. 43972

Asparagus Myers (Foxtail Fern) (1)

Ref. 43971

Asparagus Myers (Foxtail Fern) (1)

Ref. 43968

Asparagus Myers (Foxtail Fern) (1)

Ref. 43967

Salvia Mystic Spires (Sage)

Ref. 43628

Salvia Mystic Spires (Sage)

Ref. 43627

Salvia Mystic Spires (Sage)

Ref. 43626

Aquilegia chrysantha (Columbine)

Ref. 43610

Phyllostachys aureosulcata (Fish-pole Bamboo grass)

Ref. 43416

Lagerstroemia Velma's Royal Delight (Crape Myrtle)

Ref. 43350

Viburnum Chindo (cranberry bush)

Ref. 42930

Ilex crenata (Japanese holly)

Ref. 42929

Sophora secundiflora aka dermatophyllum secundiflorum (Texas mountain laurel)

Ref. 42928

Sophora secundiflora aka dermatophyllum secundiflorum (Texas mountain laurel)

Ref. 42927

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