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John P. Weiser

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Sphaeralcea coccinea (scarlet globemallow) (4)

Ref. 47736

Digitalis obscura (Sunset Foxgloves) (2)

Ref. 47651

Delosperma nubigenum (Ice plant) (5)

Ref. 47632

Sphaeralcea coccinea (scarlet globemallow) (4)

Ref. 47612

Pediocactus simpsonii (Cactus) (1)

Ref. 47590

Fallugia paradoxa (Apache plume) (2)

Ref. 47561

Oenothera caespitosa (tufted evening primrose)

Ref. 47534

Cylindropuntia Snow Leopard (ornamental cholla)

Ref. 47499

Ceanothus americanus (Snowbrush)

Ref. 47447

Asclepias fascicularis (Milkweed) (1)

Ref. 46325

Opuntia Snowball (beavertail cactus)

Ref. 46298

Pediocactus simpsonii (Cactus) (1)

Ref. 46296

Phlox nana (Santa Fe phlox)

Ref. 44541

Phlox nana (Santa Fe phlox)

Ref. 44540

Phlox nana (Santa Fe phlox)

Ref. 44539

Zinnia grandiflora (Zinnia)

Ref. 43900

Tulipa batalinii (Tulip)

Ref. 41968

Tulipa Bright Gem (Species Tulip)

Ref. 41829

Origanum Amethyst Falls (Oregano herb - origan)

Ref. 41828

Origanum Amethyst Falls (Oregano herb - origan)

Ref. 41827

Echinocereus triglochidiatus (Kingcup cactus)

Ref. 35767

Penstemon centranthifolius (Beardtongue scarlet bugler) (1.5)

Ref. 35754

Penstemon centranthifolius (Beardtongue scarlet bugler) (1.5)

Ref. 35753

Clematis scottii (sugar bowl clematis)

Ref. 35679

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