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Lynn Hunt is an international award winning writer

Lynn Hunt is a writer by trade and a gardener by choice. She cannot imagine life without words or weeds. She has put together a collection of her work from magazine and newspaper articles to a radio spot that won national and international awards. Her English cottage garden is here too along with some tips for raising great roses.
Lynn's website where you'll discover this and many other wonderful stories from her gardening journey: 

Lynn Hunt is an international award winning writer whose clients have included White Flower Farm, the Discovery Health Channel and ESPN. She has also written for a variety of national magazines and newspapers. Lynn is a Consulting Rosarian Emeritus and a Horticultural Judge for the American Rose Society. She lives in the mountains of North Carolina where she combines her love of gardening and photography in the acclaimed blog, The Dirt Diaries.

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Rosa Desdemona (Bush Rose)

Ref. 47891

Sedum SunSparkler Dream Dazzler (Stonecrop) (4)

Ref. 47890

Rosa Silas Marner (Shrub Rose) (1)

Ref. 47889

Portulaca Cupcake Grape Jelly (Pigweed, Purslane)

Ref. 47888

Caladium White Marble (Caladium)

Ref. 47887

Acer Crimson Queen (Paperbark Maple) (9)

Ref. 47866

Chamaecyparis Southern Lace (False Cypress conifer)

Ref. 47865

Cucurbita Corn Cob (Squash courgette gourd vegetable)

Ref. 47864

Malus Crispin aka Mutsu (Apple tree fruit pomme) (1)

Ref. 47863

Rosa Tranquility (Shrub Rose)

Ref. 47862

Coleus aka Plectranthus aka Solenostemon ColorBlaze Sedona Sunset (Coleus, Painted Nettle) (1)

Ref. 47851

Clematis terniflora (sweet autumn virginsbower) (2)

Ref. 47850

Rosa Dame Judi Dench (Shrub Rose) (1)

Ref. 47816

Rudbeckia Little Henry (Black-eyed Susan) (4)

Ref. 47815

Capsicum Orange Blaze (pepper vegetable – poivron piment) (3)

Ref. 47814

Pieris Cavatine (Andromeda Dwarf lily-of-the-valley Pieris) (6)

Ref. 47813

Juniperus Blue Star (Juniper conifer)

Ref. 47812

Salvia Pink Profusion (Sage) (1)

Ref. 47791

Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg (Echeveria cactus)

Ref. 47790

Canna Tropicanna Gold (Canna Lily) (3)

Ref. 47789

Camellia sasanqua Survivor (Camellia)

Ref. 47788

Agastache Meant to Bee Royal Raspberry (Anise Hyssop) (1)

Ref. 47787

Monarda Jacob Cline (Bee Balm bergamot) (6)

Ref. 47778

Chrysanthemum aka Leucanthemum Hannah Orange (Shasta Daisy)

Ref. 47777

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