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Mark Levisay

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Solanum Red Pontiac (Potato vegetable – pomme de terre)

Ref. 46572

Cucurbita Enterprise (Squash courgette gourd vegetable)

Ref. 46515

Brassica Packman (Broccoli vegetable) (2)

Ref. 46514

Brassica Packman (Broccoli vegetable) (2)

Ref. 46513

Brassica Emperor (Broccoli vegetable)

Ref. 46512

Spinacia Kolibri (Spinach Vegetable)

Ref. 46359

Cucurbita Smooth Criminal (Squash courgette gourd vegetable) (1)

Ref. 46358

Cucurbita Smooth Criminal (Squash courgette gourd vegetable) (1)

Ref. 46357

Cucurbita Horn of Plenty (Squash courgette gourd vegetable)

Ref. 46330

Lonicera Major Wheeler (Edible Honeysuckle honeyberry) (4)

Ref. 46329

Lactuca Bergam's Green (Lettuce vegetable - laitue)

Ref. 46328

Citrullus Sweet Beauty (Watermelon)

Ref. 46327

Brassica Vates Blue Curled (kale vegetable – chou frisé)

Ref. 45902

Brassica Thunderhead (Cabbage vegetable)

Ref. 45911

Brassica Stonehead (Cabbage vegetable) (1)

Ref. 45910

Lactuca New Red Fire (Lettuce vegetable - laitue) (3)

Ref. 45909

Lactuca New Red Fire (Lettuce vegetable - laitue) (3)

Ref. 45908

Lactuca New Red Fire (Lettuce vegetable - laitue) (3)

Ref. 45907

Lactuca Jericho (Lettuce vegetable - laitue)

Ref. 45906

Brassica Emerald Crown (Broccoli vegetable)

Ref. 45905

Brassica Golden Acre (Cabbage vegetable) (2)

Ref. 45904

Brassica Golden Acre (Cabbage vegetable) (2)

Ref. 45903

Brassica Stonehead (Cabbage vegetable) (1)

Ref. 45881

Solanum Big Pink (Tomato vegetable - tomate)

Ref. 45880

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