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Martin Alarie

47073 - Acaena Kupferteppich (Sheep's burr)

46889 - Sempervivum Starshine (Houseleeks Hen and Chicks)

46882 - Camellia Vestito Rosso aka MonBella (Camellia)

46862 - Fagus Dawyck (Beech) (1)

46845 - Rhododendron aka Azalea Bow Bells (Rhododendron Azalea)

46830 - Lavatera Bredon Springs (mallow)

46783 - Coriandrum sativum (Coriander Chinese parsley cilantro) (5)

46773 - Brassica Crane Pink (Cabbage vegetable)

46745 - Melinis Pink Crystals Ruby Grass (Ornamental grass)

46742 - Andropogon Red Bull (Bluestem Grass) (1)

46725 - Lactuca Red Rosie (Lettuce vegetable - laitue)

46711 - Primula Alba (Japanese primrose)

46702 - Phlox Bavaria (Phlox)

46695 - Miscanthus Red Chief (Chinese silver grass Ornamental Grass)

46691 - Allium Cowanii aka Allium Neapolitanum (Ornamental onion)

46680 - Salvia dorisiana (Sage)

46670 - Kalanchoe orgyalis (Copper Spoons)

46631 - Acer discolor (Maple)

45596 - Pyrus Duchesse de Poitiers (Pear tree)

46595 - Pontederia cordata (Pickerel weed) (2)

46589 - Rosa Rural England (Shrub Rose)

46584 - Gypsophila Gypsy White Improved (Baby's Breath)

46577 - Taxus Amersfoort (English Yew conifer)

46561 - Ecballium elaterium (squirting cucumber)

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