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Martin Senn

Martin Senn is Senior Vice President, Bamboo Pipeline in California. He is also a plant photographer.

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Cephalocereus senilis (Old man Cactus)

Ref. 44585

Carnegiea gigantea (Saguaro Cactus)

Ref. 44584

Calliandra eriophylla (Fairy duster)

Ref. 44583

Agave Sharkskin (Thread-leaf Agave cactus)

Ref. 44582

Agave Sharkskin (Thread-leaf Agave cactus)

Ref. 44581

Zamia furfuracea (cardboard palm) (1)

Ref. 44500

Zamia furfuracea (cardboard palm) (1)

Ref. 44499

Pandana furcatus (Screwpine)

Ref. 44498

Nolina stricta aka Beaucarnea stricta (Succulent Cacti beargrass)

Ref. 44497

Nolina stricta aka Beaucarnea stricta (Succulent Cacti beargrass)

Ref. 44496

Iochroma cyaneum (violet churcu)

Ref. 44495

Iochroma cyaneum (violet churcu)

Ref. 44494

Iochroma cyaneum (violet churcu)

Ref. 44493

Encephalartos kisambo (Voi cycad)

Ref. 44492

Encephalartos kisambo (Voi cycad)

Ref. 44491

Dasylirion longissimum (Mexican Grass Tree) (2)

Ref. 44409

Cycas debaoensis (cycad)

Ref. 44408

Curcuma alismatifolia (Siam tulip)

Ref. 44407

Brahea dulcis (Apak Palm)

Ref. 44406

Grevillea Mt Tamboritha (Grevillea)

Ref. 44300

Duranta Sapphire Showers (Pigeon berry)

Ref. 44299

Sutera aka Bacopa Scopia Gulliver White (Bacopa) (1)

Ref. 44298

Schefflera Gold Capella (Parasol Plant)

Ref. 44297

Schefflera Gold Capella (Parasol Plant)

Ref. 44296

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