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Michelle Miranda

Michelle is a recovering marketing executive with a passion for plants. She particularly enjoys photographing flowering shrubs, Japanese maple trees, and any interesting plants she encounters on her travels.

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Syringa Old Glory (Lilac)

Ref. 47861

Chaenomeles Double Take Scarlet (Quince - Cognassier)

Ref. 47860

Monarda Pocahontas Red Rose (Bee Balm bergamot)

Ref. 47859

Scutellaria Smoky Hills (Resin-dot skullcap) (4)

Ref. 47858

Prunus Kanzan aka Kwanzan (Chokecherry Cherry tree) (7)

Ref. 47857

Hibiscus Blue Chiffon (Rose of Sharon) (4)

Ref. 47821

Pieris Prelude (Andromeda Pieris)

Ref. 47820

Abutilon Thompsonii (Painted Abutilon)

Ref. 47819

Salix Flamingo (Willow) (8)

Ref. 47818

Prunus Shogetsu (Chokecherry Cherry tree)

Ref. 47817

Monarda Jacob Cline (Bee Balm bergamot) (6)

Ref. 47779

Aucuba MonHinsuru (Japanese Laurel)

Ref. 47716

Camellia Jury's Yellow (Camellia) (3)

Ref. 47715

Hibiscus Red Heart (Hibiscus rose of Sharon) (5)

Ref. 47713

Hibiscus Minerva (Hibiscus rose of Sharon) (5)

Ref. 47714

Paeonia Treasure aka Takara aka Smith Opus (Peony) (1)

Ref. 47712

Syringa Lavender Lady (Lilac) (9)

Ref. 47686

Paeonia Cora Louise (Peony) (17)

Ref. 47685

Iris Painted Woman (Iris sibirica)

Ref. 47684

Chamaecyparis Filifera (False Cypress conifer) (2)

Ref. 47670

Iris Peacock Butterfly Miss Apple (Iris sibirica)

Ref. 47655

Cedrus Glauca Pendula (Cedar conifer) (9)

Ref. 47637

Camellia Yuletide (Camellia) (4)

Ref. 47616

Hibiscus Aphrodite (Hibiscus) (4)

Ref. 47595

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