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Paul S Drobot

Paul S. Drobot's knowledge has been acquired over 30 years of working in the green plant industry. He has been a landscaper, designer, gardener, owner of a perennial nursery, operator of a greenhouse and horticulturist at a garden center. However, He doesn't claim to be an expert on all the plants. He is a good horticultural photographer and proud to be part of Millette Photomedia's team.

Paul was a horticulture teacher for over 34 years and ran the schools greenhouse. Currently is a professional gardener, garden center Horticulturist and a stock photographer of plants and horticulture.

4526 Result(s)

Hedera Glacier (English Ivy) (3)

Ref. 47658

Ageratum Leda (Floss flower)

Ref. 47640

Kolkwitzia amabilis (Beauty bush) (1)

Ref. 47619

Begonia Canary Wings (Begonia) (8)

Ref. 47598

Buxus with Boxwood blight (Boxwood)

Ref. 47586

Salvia Blue Hill (Sage) (7)

Ref. 47555

Allium flavum (Yellow-Flowered Garlic) (1)

Ref. 47542

Populus deltoides (Eastern Cottonwood)

Ref. 47511

Aronia Autumn Magic (Black Chokeberry) (14)

Ref. 47467

Fragaria virginiana (Virginia strawberry)

Ref. 47465

Taxus Nana Aurescens (English Yew conifer) (4)

Ref. 47394

Ipomoea Chocolate (Sweet Potato Vine) (1)

Ref. 47393

Ipomoea Chocolate (Sweet Potato Vine) (1)

Ref. 47392

Calliandra tweediei (Tweed's fairy duster)

Ref. 47371

Corylus Rote Zeller (Hazel hazelnut)

Ref. 47370

Hosta First Frost (Hosta funkia august lily) (7)

Ref. 47358

Hosta First Frost (Hosta funkia august lily) (7)

Ref. 47357

Capsicum Long Slim Cayenne (pepper vegetable – poivron piment)

Ref. 47353

Hedera Little Hermann (English Ivy)

Ref. 47346

Cereus Spiralis (Spiral Cactus)

Ref. 47345

Hoya Wayetii Variegata (wax plant) (1)

Ref. 47344

Hoya Wayetii Variegata (wax plant) (1)

Ref. 47343

Taxus Bergii (BergiiYew conifer) (1)

Ref. 47342

Taxus Bergii (BergiiYew conifer) (1)

Ref. 47341

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