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Phillip Oliver

 He is a blogger, amateur photographer and avid gardener. He works at a local garden center and have access to many plants and new varieties.

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Miscanthus Little Miss (Chinese silver grass Ornamental Grass)

Ref. 47836

Helleborus foetidus (Lenten Rose)

Ref. 47835

Penstemon Pocahontas (Beardtongue) (2)

Ref. 47834

Mahonia Soft Caress (Oregon-grape) (8)

Ref. 47833

Mahonia Soft Caress (Oregon-grape) (8)

Ref. 47832

Stewartia pseudocamellia (Japanese stewartia) (7)

Ref. 47691

Geranium Vancouver Centennial (Cranesbill) (1)

Ref. 47690

Fuchsia Santa Claus (Fuchsia)

Ref. 47689

Cornus Midwinter Fire (Dogwood) (14)

Ref. 47688

Cornus Kelseyi (Tatarian Dogwood)

Ref. 47687

Acer Eskimo Sunset aka Esk Sunset (Sycamore Maple) (3)

Ref. 47669

Cornus Elegantissima (Red Barked Dogwood) (7)

Ref. 47659

Clerodendrum trichotomum (Rose glory bower, Kashmir bouquet) (1)

Ref. 47641

Canna Panache (Canna Lily)

Ref. 47620

Caryopteris Good as Gold (Blue Mist Shrub Bluebeard)

Ref. 47600

Brugmansia Charles Grimaldi (Angel Trumpet) (1)

Ref. 47576

Anemone September Charm (Japanese Anemone) (12)

Ref. 47575

Alstroemeria aurea (Lily-of-the-Incas)

Ref. 47574

Acer Skeeter's Broom (Japanese Maple) (3)

Ref. 47573

Abelia Francis Mason (Sweet Abelia) (1)

Ref. 47572

Athyrium Frizelliae (Lady fern) (6)

Ref. 47544

Picea Pusch (Spruce conifer) (7)

Ref. 47514

Weigela Sonic Bloom Red aka Verweil (Weigela) (2)

Ref. 47457

Pieris Brouwer's Beauty (Andromeda Pieris) (2)

Ref. 47051

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