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Rock Giguère

Rock Giguère has been above all an amateur gardener for about thirty years. He collects, in his private garden since 1984, primroses, peonies, roses, conifers, lilacs and rare plants and many alpine plants. Since 2005, he has been visiting trial gardens and horticultural exhibitions in North America and Europe to find new, unusual or little-known plants that could be introduced into our gardens.

He wrote a book on Les Lilas, another on Les Pivoines and he writes regularly in the magazine Québec Vert.

He acts as a horticultural advisor for the Jardineries Les Fleurs de l'île, in Sainte-Famille, Île d'Orléans ( and the Jardinière du Nord in Saint-Félix-de-Valois.

Millette Photomedia : Botanical Photo Archives

Ribes Green Mound (Alpine Currant) (3)

Ref. 47806

Syringa Blue Danube (Lilac) (2)

Ref. 47801

Syringa Blue Danube (Lilac) (2)

Ref. 47800

Cucurbita Big Max (Pumpkin vegetable) (3)

Ref. 47701

Cucurbita Big Max (Pumpkin vegetable) (3)

Ref. 47700

Opuntia Raspberry Pink (beavertail cactus)

Ref. 47696

Prunus Saturne (Peach tree) (1)

Ref. 47695

Prunus Saturne (Peach tree) (1)

Ref. 47694

Schizachyrium Smoke Signal (Prairie Beard Grass) (6)

Ref. 47693

Sempervivum Pax (Houseleeks Hen and Chicks)

Ref. 47692

Salvia Color Spires Azure Snow (Sage) (1)

Ref. 47660

Malus Dolgo aka Pink Glow (Crabapple) (9)

Ref. 47648

Silene bolanthoides (Silene bolanthoides)

Ref. 47642

Tulipa Danique (Miniature Tulip)

Ref. 47621

Hemerocallis Double Pardon Me (Daylily) (1)

Ref. 47601

Acer negundo (Box elder, boxelder maple, Ash-leaved Maple) (4)

Ref. 47581

Cyrilla racemiflora (Titi) (1)

Ref. 47432

Canna Tropical White (Canna Lily)

Ref. 47369

Mentha Mojito (Mint herb) (1)

Ref. 47362

Canna Tropical Yellow (Canna Lily) (2)

Ref. 47361

Canna Tropical Yellow (Canna Lily) (2)

Ref. 47359

Canna Tropical Rose (Canna Lily)

Ref. 47320

Phlox Alpha (Phlox)

Ref. 47298

Colocasia Royal Hawaiian Hawaiian Punch (Elephant Ear, Taro)

Ref. 47297

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