Photo of Abies numidica (Algerian Fir conifer)
Abies numidica Bark grey and smooth on young trees, becoming brown-gray, scaly and fissured with age. Crown conical, densely branched. Branches horizontally spread. Shoots yellow-green to brown, glossy and glabrous. Buds ovate, large, dark-brown. Not resinous or slightly resinous. Needles densely packed, on the upper side of the shoot brush-like Pinaceae
Author :
Dirk Staels
Photo # :
Online since:
May 13th 2014
File size :
4.12 MB
Width :
2040 Pixels
Height :
3072 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
608 KB
Width :
664 Pixels
Height :
1000 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Abies numidica (Algerian Fir conifer)
Categories : Vertical - Portrait -
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