Photo of Buddleia or Buddleja White Bouquet (Butterfly Bush)
Buddleia or Buddleja davidii White Bouquet Perennial plant. Vigorous shrub, with arching branches. Long leaves lanceolate to downy below. Dense terminal clusters of white flowers attract butterflies. Buddlejaceae
Author :
John Caley
Photo # :
Online since:
January 2th 2015
File size :
3.97 MB
Width :
3264 Pixels
Height :
2448 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
579 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
750 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Buddleia White Profusion (Butterfly Bush)
Buddleia White Profusion (Butterfly Bush)
Buddleia White Profusion (Butterfly Bush)
Buddleia White Profusion (Butterfly Bush)
Buddleia White Profusion (Butterfly Bush)
Buddleia White Profusion (Butterfly Bush)
Buddleia White Profusion (Butterfly Bush)
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape -
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