Photo of Carex Frosted Curls (New Zealand Hair Sedge Ornamental Grass)
Carex albula Frosted Curls This clump forming species has buff colored flowers in summer that are not showy. These plants are sedges, not grasses. Cyperaceae
Author :
Tim Ludwig
Photo # :
Online since:
January 3th 2015
File size :
5.67 MB
Width :
2143 Pixels
Height :
3000 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
999 KB
Width :
714 Pixels
Height :
1000 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Carex Frosted Curls (New Zealand Hair Sedge Ornamental Grass)
Carex Frosted Curls (New Zealand Hair Sedge Ornamental Grass)
Categories : Vertical - Portrait -
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