Photo of Garrya elliptica (Silk Tassel Bush)
Garrya elliptica - Evergreen shrub, erect, dense, to 8 ft (2.5 m) high and wide, may be a small tree 20-30 ft (6-9 m). Leaves glossy, essentially smooth and dark green above, paler and woolly below. Flowers appear in winter, male and female flowers on separate plants (dioecious), male catkin-like clusters are yellowish to greenish then gray. Fruit are in grape-like clusters, each is round, about 6 mm wide, at first green but finally covered with a purplish-gray pubescence. Family: Garryaceae
Author :
Eric Hunt
Photo # :
Online since:
January 21th 2023
File size :
8.70 MB
Width :
3600 Pixels
Height :
2410 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
907 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
669 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape - Photos subjects - Plants - Trees - Shrubs -
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