Photo of Hypericum densiflorum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum densiflorum - A profusion of bright yellow flowers appears in summer and are effective for a couple of weeks. In autumn the delicate foliage of bushy St. John’s wort becomes a golden yellow. Family: Hypericaceae
Author :
Lorimer Uli
Photo # :
Online since:
April 4th 2022
File size :
3.80 MB
Width :
3425 Pixels
Height :
2285 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
305 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
667 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Hypericum densiflorum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum densiflorum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum densiflorum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum perforatum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum perforatum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum perforatum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum perforatum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum Tricolor (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum Gemo (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum Ames (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum Ames (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum kalmianum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum Gemo (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum Ames (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum Hidcote (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum prolificum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum prolificum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum Sunburst (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum kalmianum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum calycinum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum calycinum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum calycinum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum kalmianum (St. Johnswort)
Hypericum kalmianum (St. Johnswort)
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape - Photos subjects - Plants - Trees - Shrubs -
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