Photo of Lilium mackliniae (Shirui lily or Siroi lily)
Lilium mackliniae - Perennial plant. are mostly less than 50 cm. (1 ft. 9in.) tall having flowers that are white or very pale pink within, flushed reddish . Family : Liliaceae
Author :
Marie Thérèse Bleuzen
Photo # :
Online since:
January 9th 2018
File size :
3.39 MB
Width :
3000 Pixels
Height :
2250 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
693 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
750 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Lilium Olina (Lily)
Lilium Dalian (Lily)
Lilium Landini (Lily)
Lilium Corina (Asiatic Lily)
Lilium Formia (Lily)
Lilium Pink Pixie (Lily)
Lilium Black Jack (Oriental Lily)
Lilium Tiny Skyline (Lily)
Lilium TIara (Lily)
Lilium Elusive (orientalis Lily)
Lilium regale (Lily)
Lilium davidii (Lily)
Lilium Royal Trinity (Lily)
Lilium martagon (Turks-Cap Lily)
Lilium Painted Pixie (Lily)
Lilium Formia (Lily)
Lilium lankongense (Lily)
Lilium Tom Pouce (Lily)
Lilium Red Latin (Lily)
Lilium Entertainer (orientalis Lily)
Lilium Mona Lisa (Lily)
Lilium Cancun (Lily)
Lilium Marquee (Lily)
Lilium America (Lily)
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape - Photos subjects -
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