Photo of Primula Noverna Deep Blue (Primrose)
a fascinating primula with the most intense, deep blue-violet flowers. The beautiful flared bell-shaped blooms emerge in summer in tight clusters at the top of an 8 to 10 inch stems. This large alpine primula is native to Nepal and Tibet and is the last in the primula family to flower, throughout summer and into autumn.
Author :
Monique Dumas-Quesnel
Photo # :
Online since:
October 17th 2014
File size :
2.69 MB
Width :
1944 Pixels
Height :
2896 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
524 KB
Width :
806 Pixels
Height :
1200 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Primula Noverna Deep Blue (Primrose)
Primula Noverna Deep Blue (Primrose)
Categories : Vertical - Portrait -
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