Photo of Rhus trichocarpa (Sumac)
Rhus trichocarpa - A deciduous tree of slender habit, 20 to 25 ft high, or sometimes a bush 5 to 12 ft high. Leaves 12 to 20 in. long, with thirteen to seventeen leaflets, which are broadly ovate, entire, 11⁄2 to 21⁄2 in. long, largest towards the apex of the leaf, very downy on both sides. Flowers in slender, downy, long-stalked panicles, inconspicuous. Fruit a large, yellowish, prickly drupe, which is not fleshy and sheds its outer coat when ripe. Family: Anacardiaceae
Author :
Plantaholic Sheila
Photo # :
Online since:
May 14th 2021
File size :
8.84 MB
Width :
3600 Pixels
Height :
2700 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
957 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
750 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Rhus Laciniata (Sumac)
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape - Photos subjects - Plants - Trees - Shrubs -
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