Photo of Rosa Carefree Celebration or RADral (Rose)
Rosa Carefree Celebration or RADral The cup-like, double blooms capture brilliant hues of orange, orange-red and peach, the color most intense in hot, humid climates. This large shrub rose filled with healthy, medium green, matte foliage will treat you to steady flushes of blooms from late spring through fall. Hardy through Zone 4. Rosaceae
Author :
Carol Cloud Bailey
Photo # :
Online since:
September 21th 2014
File size :
3.33 MB
Width :
3000 Pixels
Height :
2008 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
490 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
669 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Rosa Carefree Beauty or Bucbi (Shrub rose)
Rosa Carefree Beauty or Bucbi (Shrub rose)
Rosa Carefree Beauty or Bucbi (Shrub rose)
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape -
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