Photo of Taxus Standishii (English Yew conifer)
Taxus baccata Standishii Foliage color on the newest growth is a very bright golden yellow - the more sun this plant receives, the better the yellow color . New yellow colored growth gradually fades throughout the summer months into a nice deep green. Growth habit is definitely columnar. Taxaceae
Author :
Tim Ludwig
Photo # :
Online since:
February 10th 2016
File size :
8.58 MB
Width :
2571 Pixels
Height :
3600 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
1.04 MB
Width :
714 Pixels
Height :
1000 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Taxus Standishii (English Yew conifer)
Categories : Vertical - Portrait - Photos subjects - Conifers -
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