Photo of Weigela Alexandra aka Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela florida Alexandra aka Wine and Roses - Dark burgundy purple shiny-foliage makes this deciduous shrub a knock-out in the garden. In early spring, its foliage emerges green flushed with purple and quickly takes on its deeper burgundy tones. In early summer, the foliage is complimented with rich rosy-red trumpet shaped flowers which line the shrub's gracefully arching stems. Family : Caprifoliaceae
Author :
Frank Richards
Photo # :
Online since:
September 2th 2017
File size :
7.38 MB
Width :
3600 Pixels
Height :
2700 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
893 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
750 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra aka Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra aka Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
Weigela Alexandra or Wine and Roses (Weigela)
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