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Acer rubrum (Red Maple)  2

Photo of Acer rubrum (Red Maple)

Acer rubrum - Commonly called red maple, is a medium-sized, deciduous tree. It typically grows 40-60’ tall with a rounded to oval crown. It grows faster than Norway and sugar maples, but slower than silver maple. Emerging new growth leaves, leafstalks, twigs, flowers, fruit and fall color are red

Ref. 03772

Author : Rock Giguère
Online since: May 19th 2013


File size : 4.84 MB
Width : 2000 Pixels
Height : 3008 Pixels

USD $ 50.00

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File size : 773 KB
Width : 665 Pixels
Height : 1000 Pixels

USD $ 20.00

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About Acer rubrum (Red Maple)

Acer rubrum - Commonly called red maple, is a medium-sized, deciduous tree. It typically grows 40-60’ tall with a rounded to oval crown. It grows faster than Norway and sugar maples, but slower than silver maple. Emerging new growth leaves, leafstalks, twigs, flowers, fruit and fall color are red or tinged with red. Leaves have 3 principal triangular lobes. Lobes have toothed margins and pointed tips. Leaves are medium to dark green above and gray green below. Flowers on a given tree are primarily male or female or monoecious and appear in late winter to early spring (March-April) before the leaves. Fruit is a two-winged samara. Family: Aceraceae  


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Acer rubrum (Red Maple)

Ref. 03771

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