Photo of Ajuga Princess Leia (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Princess Leia - Bugleweed - Dense carpet of luscious evergreen foliage adds color all year round. True blue flowers pop up in spring and sporadically throughout summer and fall. Family: Lamiaceae
Author :
Mona Larochelle
Photo # :
Online since:
June 18th 2024
File size :
4.18 MB
Width :
3600 Pixels
Height :
2400 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
419 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
667 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Ajuga Princess Nadia (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Princess Nadia (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Pink Beauty (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Catlin's Giant (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Pink Lightning (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Mint Chip (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Bronze Beauty (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Dixie Chip (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Rubra (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Pink Lightning (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Pink Lightning (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Bronze Beauty (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Braunherz (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Catlin's Giant (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Catlin's Giant (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Catlin's Giant (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Catlin's Giant (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Catlin's Giant (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Catlin's Giant (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Catlin's Giant (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Pink Lightning (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Mint Chip (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Mint Chip (Bugleweed)
Ajuga Mint Chip (Bugleweed)
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape - Photos subjects - Plants - Trees - Shrubs -
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