Photo of Brassica Violet hâtif de Vienne (kohlrabi turnip cabbage vegetable - chou-rave)
Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes Violet hâtif de Vienne - kohlrabi cabbage vegetable - chou-rave - Violet turnip 7-8 cm in diameter, with tender and tasty flesh. Very fast growing. Plant, height at maturity 50 cm, width at maturity 45 cm, foliage color medium green. Family: Brassicaceae
Author :
Millette Réjean D.
Photo # :
Online since:
August 14th 2023
File size :
4.96 MB
Width :
3024 Pixels
Height :
2947 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
750 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
975 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Brassica Superschmelz (kohlrabi cabbage vegetable - chou-rave)
Brassica Superschmelz (kohlrabi cabbage vegetable - chou-rave)
Brassica Superschmelz (kohlrabi cabbage vegetable - chou-rave)
Brassica Superschmelz (kohlrabi cabbage vegetable - chou-rave)
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape - Photos subjects - Vegetable garden - Plants - Trees - Shrubs - Vegetables - légumes - Kohlrabi - Turnips - navets -
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