Photo of Calluna Sunset (Heather)
Calluna vulgaris Sunset - It is a low, spreading evergreen shrub to 25cm in height, with compact, deep yellow to orange foliage, becoming red in winter, and short racemes of purplish-pink flowers from late summer. Family: Ericaceae
Author :
Mona Larochelle
Photo # :
Online since:
April 25th 2021
File size :
7.15 MB
Width :
3600 Pixels
Height :
2400 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
674 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
667 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Calluna Svenja (Heather)
Calluna Athene (Heather)
Calluna Tib (Heather)
Calluna Svenja (Heather)
Calluna Twin Girls (Heather - Bruyère)
Calluna Ronas Hill (Heather)
Calluna Allegro (Heather)
Calluna Marleen (Heather)
Calluna Firefly (Heather)
Calluna Darkness (Heather)
Calluna Blazeaway (Heather)
Calluna Golden Feather (Heather)
Calluna Dark Beauty (Heather)
Calluna Devon (Heather)
Calluna Firefly (Heather)
Calluna Firefly (Heather)
Calluna Oxaback (Heather)
Calluna Allegro (Heather)
Calluna Firefly (Heather)
Calluna Marleen (Heather)
Calluna Spring Torch (Bruyère)
Calluna Firefly (Heather)
Calluna Firefly (Heather)
Calluna Firefly (Heather)
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape - Photos subjects - Plants - Trees - Shrubs -
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