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Cornus florida (Dogwood) 1

Photo of Cornus florida (Dogwood)

Cornus florida - Cornus florida, commonly known as flowering dogwood, is a small deciduous tree that typically grows 15-30’ tall with a low-branching, broadly-pyramidal but somewhat flat-topped habit. It blooms in early spring (April) shortly after, but usually overlapping, the bloom period of the

Ref. 03578

Author : Rock Giguère
Online since: May 19th 2013


File size : 3.34 MB
Width : 3072 Pixels
Height : 2304 Pixels

USD $ 50.00

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File size : 949 KB
Width : 1200 Pixels
Height : 900 Pixels

USD $ 20.00

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About Cornus florida (Dogwood)

Cornus florida - Cornus florida, commonly known as flowering dogwood, is a small deciduous tree that typically grows 15-30’ tall with a low-branching, broadly-pyramidal but somewhat flat-topped habit. It blooms in early spring (April) shortly after, but usually overlapping, the bloom period of the redbuds. The true dogwood flowers are actually tiny, yellowish green and insignificant, being compacted into button-like clusters. However, each flower cluster is surrounded by four showy, white, petal-like bracts which open flat, giving the appearance of a single, large, 3-4” diameter, 4-petaled, white flower. Dark green leaves turn attractive shades of red in fall. Bright red fruits are bitter and inedible. Fruits mature in late summer to early fall and may persist until late in the year.  Mature Height: 20-40 feet - Mature Width: 20 feet. Family: Cornaceae  

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