Photo of Corylus Purple Haze (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus americana Purple Haze Perennial cultivar with dark reddish purple foliage. Having male and female flowers on the same plant, male flowers are found in a catkin and female flowers are inconspicuous. Edible nut.. Betulaceae
Author :
Paul S Drobot
Photo # :
Online since:
May 4th 2016
File size :
4.52 MB
Width :
3600 Pixels
Height :
2700 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
532 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
750 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Corylus colurna (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus colurna (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus colurna (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus Te Terra Red (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus Contorta (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus avellana (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus americana (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus Royal Red (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus Red Dragon (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus americana (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus americana (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus Contorta (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus avellana (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus americana (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus americana (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus americana (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus Royal Red (Hazel hazelnut)
Corylus avellana - flowers (Hazel hazelnut)
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