Photo of Daphne Eternal Fragrance (Burkwood)
Daphne transatlantica Eternal Fragrance a rounded, open-branched shrub that features intensely fragrant white flowers in spring with irregular and sporadic continued bloom occurring on new growth from summer into fall on branches clad with semi-glossy, narrow, elliptic, dark green leaves (to 2" long). This daphne typically grows in a mound to 2-3' tall and as wide. Flowers are white with an orange-yellow eye comprised of orange-yellow anthers. Thymelaeaceae
Author :
Millette Réjean D.
Photo # :
Online since:
January 11th 2017
File size :
7.08 MB
Width :
3600 Pixels
Height :
2400 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
925 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
667 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Daphne Eternal Fragrance (Burkwood)
Daphne Eternal Fragrance or Blafra (Burkwood)
Daphne Eternal Fragrance or Blafra (Burkwood)
Daphne Eternal Fragrance or Blafra (Burkwood)
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape - Photos subjects -
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