Photo of Sambucus Goldenlocks or Golden Locks (Elderberry)
Sambucus racemosa Goldenlocks or Golden Locks An interesting and colorful shrub; forms a dwarf and compact mound, ideal for garden detail use; features fine textured golden foliage; finely cut leaves mimic Japanese Maple, showy creamy white flowers in spring followed by red berries. Adoxaceae
Author :
Rock Giguère
Photo # :
Online since:
October 28th 2014
File size :
3.75 MB
Width :
3000 Pixels
Height :
1995 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 50.00
File size :
663 KB
Width :
1000 Pixels
Height :
665 Pixels
Price :
USD $ 20.00
Sambucus Goldenlocks aka Golden Locks (European Red Elder)
Categories : Horizontal - Landscape -
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